Origin Live Tonearms

Hi All,

I’m still modifying my Thorens TD 160 MK 1 and it will stay a dedicated mono table.   I’m not satisfied with the original TP-16 tonearm so I’m considering either the OL Silver or the Zephyr. I read somewhere that there is no sonic improvement between the two. Being dedicated to a mono cartridge, I can’t see moving too far up the chain since vertical tracking is a non factor. So if the Silver will achieve my goal, then I’d rather not spend the extra money on the Zephyr. I also see a number of used OL Silver tonearms on the used market. Any suggestions or insights are of course welcome.


My observations on 12" vs 9" and anti-skating.

A well-fettled slate 401 with 9 and 12" Jelco TK850 tonearms.

The 9" has a slightly more incisive bass and tempo. Almost a CD quality to its delivery across all frequencies. Best for rock and electronic. The 12" goes a little deeper, has better dimensionality, naturalness, sweetness, air and space, with finer highs. Best for jazz and voice.

I do not use anti-skate on the 12" except when there’s a warp or dimple. It simply sounds better with it off. Note that I use London-Decca cartridges with no cantilever which likely impacts how AS impacts playback.

@noromance you have a nice analogue rig. Your comment on not using anti skate on your 12" tonearm because it sounds better is what I typically hear from others. I personally believe that tonearm science is very much an art where the slightest little adjustments have a noticeable affect. I recently just finished making adjustments to my Thorens TP16 Mk1 and it's tracking better than before however it's still just a utilitarian tonearm. The most noticeable issues that I've been having are slight pitch/tonal fluctuations, especially regarding solo piano, i.e. Glenn Gould Beethoven Sonatas Speakers Corner/Columbia. These groove are tricky and I don't think the TP16 is up to the task. So while it's a mono dedicated table, I think the cost of the OL Encounter is justified. I wish I could hear those London/DECCA cartridges.

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