Organic, musical and natural sounding speakers up to $12K

Getting a new place next year. Living room will be approx 12-14ft x 16-18ft x 10ft.

Getting a new system and am starting with speakers. Brands I have shortlisted (recommended from magazines and forums) are:

1) Audionote J or E
2) Spendor (model ?)
3) Harbeth (model ? - perhaps 30.2/40.1 or ?)
4) Devore (0/93 or 0/96?)

I auditioned Audionote and Harbeth briefly a few years ago. If I recall, Audionote was organic, musical and natural. Harbeth SHL5 plus was natural and musical...but don’t remember if they were more organic than the Audionotes.

HF extension/air is definitely not a priority for I find it often translates to tizz to my ears. I love a large soundstage - big full sound!

With the 4 brands, am I heading in the right direction? Any feedback from users would be greatly appreciated. I am open to other brands too.



Showing 3 responses by pc123v

Thanks guys for your input. Really appreciate it. Though I have heard of these brands and models, I have not had the opportunity to demo them yet. 

To be honest, I am most interested in the Audionote J or E for their organic and natural sound qualities especially for vocals and piano. Can anyone who have had first hand experience with the Audionotes give me some feedback on their performance against other speakers they have come across. 

Perhaps some advice on the pros and cons of corner placement. I am concerned of lack of depth or even boom in a home environment. Also, I also have tinnitus. Therefore I need to be really careful. Have to avoid a hot treble. A system that sounds organic and natural, even if a little dark, is preferable. 

Thanks yeti42 and timo62.

@yeti42 ... may I know which models of the E you have listened to and what you think of them? I wouldn’t mind an "euphonic and colored" presentation if it doesn’t fatigue. Tizz and fatigue will make my tinnitus worse.

@timo62 ... I was thinking of the AN E/LX too. I may have demoed it before. Not sure though as it was a few years ago. I am after a warm sound too, however, the top end has to be smooth and edge free. Hope I can assemble a system with those attributes. Can't afford to make mistakes, again :).  Just started my search last week.

Thanks again everyone.

Thanks Everyone for your help and input. Really appreciate it. I think it's between the AN E/LX and AN E/Spe. Since I will be moving to new place only next year...I won't be doing any serious auditioning yet.