Ordered Visaton B200 for open baffle. Am I alone?

I'm posting this on the Speakers forum because it seems so easy to do it qualifies I think. Anyone else gone down this route. if so, whats your opinion? I will post what they do for me. Cheers, david

Showing 2 responses by redkiwi

I am using Visaton B200s in an open baffle design. But the speakers look like a conventional narrow box speaker from the front and side. But the back is open and is covered with a removable speaker grill. The inside is heavily lined with acoustic foam that stops the back wave sound being wierd as it would otherwise be in such an arrangement. Firing down inside the box and with a little horn loading I have an open baffle 8 inch bass unit, the bass exits at the back and the driver is invisible to the listener. Firing straight up and mounted at the front of the top panel is a super tweeter. I do use some gentle cross-over tailoring. Just a cap on the super tweeter and just an inductor on the bass. Just an inductor in parallel with a resistor on the B200. Some of this is pure heresy to the open baffle crowd but I find the Visaton on a conventional large open baffle with no cross-over to be too bright and to lack bass, and lack high frequency extension. With my finished product I happily sold my Verity Fidelios. My Visaton-based speakers beat them in every musical respsct. I just love the sound of paper cones done right and open baffle bass is unbelievably good compared with boxed bass. Mine rolls off sharply below 40Hz but the quality of the bass is absolutely stunning.
Yes, damped open baffle. I went this way initially because of the aesthetics (WAF). When I shift the Visaton B200 to a large open baffle board with no cross-over filtering, I don't think I am gaining noticeable amounts of immediacy or detail, or hearing any reduction in 'box sound' but I am certainly losing neutrality and musical enjoyment. In most of life's controversial issues I have not found the answers to be at the extremes, and finding the best trade-offs between the extremes is the way to go. Most people I know who have tried the Visaton in open baffle have eventually been driven to damp the rising frequency response. A lot look to augment the bass and quite a few find that adding a super tweeter is essential to get the air of music in real spaces. That journey happened for me.