Ordered a Willsenton R300

Everything I have read about this 300b tube amp has been very positive, particularly Steve Huff's review on his website.  I have always thought I would love the sound of 300b tubes and this is my chance to get one for a very modest price.  It ought to drive my Spatial Audio M4 Triode Masters very nicely.  I will report back my impressions of the amp when it is fully revealed to me. 


Showing 2 responses by rickybrandt

Howdy, all. I have been off the site for many years and am just returning. My 17-year-old CD player recently bit the dust which got me back into the search mode. I decided it was time to upgrade and downsize my gear. I came across reviews of the R300 and ordered one on December 13th from China HiFi Audio since Amazon was about 5-6 weeks out to ship one. The amp arrived in Denver on December 21st and I was able to bring it home yesterday after some local delays by the shipping company. It arrived in excellent condition. It is as described by other owners and reviewers in terms of apparent build quality and aesthetics. It is a lovely piece. I have only been running it for a few hours so a lot of break-in time ahead. I have owned tube amps (Jolida, AirTight, Conrad Johnson, KR Audio) but this is my first long-desired 300B. I cannot make a fair comparison to my old gear since I also recently changed out my speakers, cables, and IC's, but I can say I am very much enjoying what I am hearing, so far. I am planning on rolling in a pair of PSVANE T-Series CV181-TII's after the holidays.

Looking forward to more listening and reading posts from other R300 owners.



Two weeks in and counting for the R300. Honestly, I enjoy the sound beyond my expectations for an amp at this price point. I ran it as an integrated for 5-6 days to get my Forte IV's dialed in and to get a sense of space. The music was alive and palpable. So far the amp seems to be a great match for the speakers. I inserted my Primaluna Dialogue Premium pre and ran the R300 as a power amp. This was not a subtle change and it took a bit to understand what I was hearing. The sense of realism increased. The spaciousness increased. I wanted to warm the voices and boy, did that do it. The sound is not fatiguing. I feel that I am hearing the music as the musicians wanted it heard. The bass is tight, real, and not boomy. The mids are - well, I'm running Klipsch Heritage speakers. I'm not hearing the brightness I heard with the KR Antares (albeit with different speakers). Right now I am running all stock tubes with the exception of a pair of Mullards in the pre. I have some tube rolling ahead of me but I could live with what I have now for a while without regret. This has been a promising purchase so far. I hope those of you who bought the amp are enjoying it as much as I am.