Oracle turn table

Since my purse will open only to the mention of “pre-owned”. I am looking for information on the different model of Oracle turn table. I have read some reviews but it is not enough to make a decision on what to look for. Could anyone point me in the right direction?
Humm! Newbee, point taken, a more practical approach indeed. Well, I will satisfy my dream first then I will consider this avenue if cannot get the combination right.
Which makes me think about something …errrrhummm…you wouldn’t be interested in a couple of cats (12) by any chance?
Cocotte, I already have a male Maine Coon cat who has tried to ride the platter (once!) and I had to remove my panels & stats because of his claws. He leaves my dynamics alone because the grill are held on by magnets and fall off easily if touched - he's a quick learner. One 18lb PIA is enuf thank you!
I agree with Newbee. I have an Alexandria with a Sumiko MMT arm and it is a very good rig indeed, especially for the cash outlay. It has remained a constant in my system every since I bought it back in 1986 and is the one component that I haven't felt the need to upgrade, even though my system has been upgraded many times since 1986. I recently had my Alexandria overhauled with new springs, bushings, etc and installed a new Benz Glider cartridge. It still makes great music!
