Options for integrateds for Ohm Walsh Tall 2000s?

Hi, all - back in the pairing game and would love to get some free advice from the experts on the 'Gon.  As we've entered our 'empty nest' stage, I've been able to spend more time pursuing my love of music -all types, from chamber music to classic jazz (female vocalists, Bill Evans, Ben Webster, Charlie Haden..) to acoustic to 70s Laurel Canyon to chamber pop, basically anything with melody.   That, and the fact that I don't just sit and listen with my head in a vise, led me to a used pair of Ohm MicroWalshTalls.   To me, they made music, not just sparkle, and were a good fit for our odd listening space where we moved around and lived  - open floor plan, 15x22x9 space for living/dining/kitchen - even while driven by a Marantz PM8004 with only 70/100W for power.  Redbook CD sounded great after 20 years with children and a lot of 'life' and noise at home. 

Not content to leave well enough alone, my inner audiophile started to emerge.  During the pandemic I listened more closely.  I started streaming hi-res with the Bluesound Node 2i. I realized that the MWTs couldn't fully fill the space, though they still sounded great with jazz and vocalists.   I started a conversation with Evan at Ohm Acoustics, like many of you have done.  He was great.  We talked about next steps, I sent him our floor plan, he helped me persuade my better half to approve upgrading to a Walsh Tall 2000 (couldn't get her to go for the 3000).  

So while our 2000s are being built, I need to figure out the replacement for the PM8004.  I've read all of the threads here, many on other forums, and I get what I've read but I'm still parsing all the info.  I have a standmount system in my study that satisfies my detail/accuracy listening needs, so I realize that this 'living space' system can remain musical and less technical and detailed.  I want music, not pristine sound.   My budget is limited - my better half supports my 'hobby' but wants to keep food on the table.  My budget is $800-$1500.  Lower is better.  I don't need a great phono preamp.  I don't need a DAC or streamer, I have the Bluesound and like it.  I want some more watts, high current and good damping, and balanced sound. I think these needs and wants translate into an integrated, gently used.  I've had great luck with used and I don't have access to audition locally or nearby.   

I've done a lot of on-line shopping and research.  Yes, I've subscribed to Zero Fidelity. I've considered the following, which have recently appeared in my price range: 
Class AB:
Yamaha A-S1000, 2000,1100.  Was minutes late for a 2000 on Agon. Have looked at an A-S701, not convinced. 
Marantz PM 14 or 15 series, not sure there's enough watts there.  PM 11 is a physical monster,
Anthem 225.
Parasound Halo integrated.  Lots of stuff I don't need.
Belles Soloist 1.  Missed that one by an hour or two.
I have a history and some fondness for NAD - my current c356BEE replaced a c326BEE, but not sure about the c375, c388, or M3. 
I'm a little nervous about Class D, but:
Rogue Sphinx.
Wyred4Sound STI 500.

What am I missing?  The watts of the W4S are appealing, but I really want a little warmth and musicality.  Will the 2000 provide that with Class D?  I would really appreciate the collective wisdom of those out there who have some experience with Ohms and pairings.    Thanks in advance for your thoughts!

Check out Belles Aria integrated. I have one and like it quite a bit.  I had an AnthemI225 right before it. The Anthem is a heckuva amp for around $600.  They have great power and sound pretty good.  If anyone has one and is interested, I have 3 SR Blue fuses for the Anthem.  PM me if interested.

I’d consider Rega, Hegel, Belles, and maybe Kinki Studios.  Rogue Sphinx and Ragnarok as well
I have Walsh 2-100S3 like Mapman, the equivalent of what you are getting. Got original 2s and John updated them for me 7 years ago. I run mine variously with a Marantz PM8005 or a McIntosh MC250 updated by Terry DeWick. I have them in a space that is about 12 x 24 with vaulted ceilings from 9 feet to 26. Both amps will fill the space with music well under normal listening and also when I crank them up to play electric blues along with the music. I like the Mc marginally better for the synergy that seems to be in place but each amp brings something different to the mix. I have also used an ATI 1502 on the Ohms, which delivers 150 WRMS and lots of current. It was VERY good even though the preamp I had then was maybe a little bright. More current is definitely a plus with the Ohms. I have heard the Yamahas and was impressed but not taken with the looks.  I personally am looking to upgrade myself and get down to 1 system, probably an integrated vs separates just to due to space issues and a need for a remote due to a bad back. I would keep the Marantz in an office system. I am looking at Belles Aria or possibly a Mac integrated. The Mac would be out of your range but you can get the Belles for under $2k. I have heard the other Reference line PM integrateds and liked them too. If you can get a deal on a Ken Ishiwata model you would probably love it.  There is also a Sony ES integrated that came out a few years ago that is exceptional. A friend has it and it is very nice. Runs Class A for part of the initial wattage so it runs hot but it sounded great thru his Dynacos. I have not played it thru Ohms. 
the Belles Soloist was one I *almost*  bought, was just a little late in making up my mind.   I have read and heard that the Aria sounds beautiful, but I wasn't sure that there were enough watts to drive the Ohms.  Any advice or experience with the Belles driving a relatively inefficient speaker in a large space?

really helpful comments, thanks!  Sounds like your space is roughly similar to mine in terms of cubic feet.  You were happy with the Marantz 8005 in driving the Ohms?  And you think the Aria at roughly the same wattage as the Marantz will also work for you?  

I love the idea of an integrated made by a person in the US who backs his product, that's one reason the Belles sounds good - just that it may not be a major upgrade from the 8004 in terms of power or current. Rogue Sphinx was on my list for the same reason.   I also confess that I am really appreciating the Marantz sound as I continue to listen more critically, so your thinking about the Marantz Reference line resonates.  I'm keeping my eyes open for those, too.  
..and yep, the Macs are probably out of my price range..especially if I have to eventually 'fess up on the price to my better half.   So far she is amused by this quest and approved of the choice of the Ohms - even actively helping choose the veneer - but if I totally blow the budget to 'overachieve' on a new integrated amp, she won't stay amused.  
@mklinkma  - Sorry for the late response. I've been on vacation.....

Regarding the Rega - There is a Rega Elicit and a Rega Elicit-R. I've owned both. The Elicit-R is much better IMHO. It is also more expensive used, but worth the extra cost IMHO. Wish you had the ability to hear one in a decent system. I think you would be impressed.