Optimal loading for a Sumiko Celebration

Just picked up a Sumiko Celebration and I'm rather confused about what the optimal loading is for this cartridge. On the outside of the box is says 1000 ohms, in the manual it says 100 ohms, and on Sumiko's website it says 47k ohms with 100-300 pf of capacitance.

All three sources show the internal impedance as 30 ohms. Anybody have an idea what the optimal loading should be? Or at least where to start?

Showing 1 response by gregd

Thank you! So far I've tried 47K and 1K, and 1K sounded much better. I'll have to see if I can dig up some 750 ohm resistors.

Also, I called Sumiko, one person I talked to there sounded rather unknowledgeable and recommended 47k ohm, the other guy sounded much better informed and recommended 1000 ohms.