Optimal connectivity for watching TV and 2 channel audio

Hoping to get some help on how to the best set-up for both watching TV and listening to 2 channel audio. I did a quick search but wasn't able to find a discussion that addressed this.

Currently I have an optical cable connected directly into a soundbar but on either side of the TV and soundbar I have 2 speakers connected to an integrated amp. I was thinking of getting a center channel and using an extra older AV receiver I have laying around and connecting it to the center channel and using the L & R pre-outs to connect to the int. amp. Not sure if this is the ideal connection considering it seems like I would need to power up the int. amp every time someone in the house wants to watch TV. Is there a better way to make these connections? Are int amps with HT bypass any different than connecting to variable line inputs on an int. amp?

Just confused on how to go about this. Thanks in advance for any help you can provide

Showing 1 response by jnehma1

In my opinion, for general TV use a 2.1 setup is better than a 3.0 setup (meaning a pair of L/R speakers and a sub, rather than L/C/R speakers and no sub). If you aren't running a full surround setup, keep your integrated and use the stereo speakers. I run an optical from my TV to my integrated amp. Yes, it has to be on whenever the TV is on. I could see that being an issue if your amp is tube, or Class A and putting out lots of heat. I use a Lyngdorf so it's not really an issue for me, and we don't watch that much TV anyway. But I can tell you it sounds LIGHT YEARS better than the old sound bar we had on the TV. If your integrated doesn't have a DAC, I'd go with tom6897's suggestion and get the $11 DAC converter. We're just talking about TV audio here, after all...

To make things easy for my family, I got a Harmony remote so it's a simple one-button process to turn on the TV and amp.