Opportunity to buy the best Preamp... but which?

On the tube front... AR Ref3 vs. CJ ART3 vs. VL TL-7.5 vs. Wavac PR-T1?

Or on the SS front... Burmester 808Mk5 vs Dartzeel NHB-18NS vs Krell Evolution2 vs MBL 6010D vs Halcro DM10?

My preference would be a neutral tube based model.

Any opinions?


Showing 9 responses by dgob

Dave b, excuse my long delay but I only just read your responses. Have you heard the FM Acoustic pre's or the Essential 3150 and, if so, which FM Acoustic pre's and what were your impressions of these and the Essential - particularly in comparison with your tubes pre?

I'm just curious because I feel that these really do bring something quite unique to the table.
Dave b, I just wonder if the role of hifi should be to "make music" or to convey the music that is made by the musician/s!? The accuracy of this conveyance (transit...) being a fundamental requirement of achieving high fidelity: the truth/fidelity residing with the musician/s and their performance

Just a thought
Dave b, I'm surprised that preamps such as those from FM Acoustics and other state-of-the-art SS brands, such as the Essential 3150, are not more emphatically praised by you. Your criteria for valuation seem to be spot on and, IMHO, these devices could definitely help you in your drive to realise them. They are not cheap but if you get a chance, do give them a whirl.
Dave b,

I know that the expense of the FM gear is often a prohibitor and - maybe - one reason why they are not as frequently lauded in popular high end circles. I suspect this is in part a consequence of the company's low profile advertising, geographical location and uncompromising self confidence.

BTW, I've owned various ARC components and they remain the favourite among all tube based amplification that I've owned and/or heard. They seem to present an excellent balance between the best virtues of the most popular tube and ss equipment. Nevertheless, I also think you ought to give the Essential a turn. It could be an even greater advance but that will obviously depend on what picture you ultimately wish to see.

All the best in your listening and enjoyment
Dave_b, just curious to hear if you find that sound stage (as presented through much hifi) is not what you experience when presented through these live venues? And do you think that it is interesting to note the differences between home audio norms and the sources that should - in theory - underpin them?

I agree wholly and maybe those that have now had an opportunity to listen to some of the more high end sources can also comment on this!:~) I've never managed to hear the Essential 3160 with an FM Acoustic power amp but the combination should be very interesting. Maybe in the near future
Hi Bvdiman,

Your amp's sound phenomenal and I'd love to hear that set up. The Essential 3160 is a bespoke phonolinepre and I believe that some technological aspects of FM Acoustic's approach influenced aspects of its designers' thinking. You can find out more about the Essential directly from a fellow audiogoner - Raul Ireugas - who you could contact off line at rauliruegas@hotmail.com. My mind boggles at contemplating its potential in your system.

All the best

I'll sure take you up on that offer the next time I come out to that part of the world. In the meantime, I hope you continue to enjoy your music as much as you should.

Clearly, your beliefs are firmly held. However, your logic is not so secure: the concept of the "best" is relative to other similar items and must obviously be qualified by criteria for evaluation and judgement (for example, frequency extension, imaging, sound stage, bass definition, pitch, timbral accuracy etc). These all being unavoidably qualified by the noted proximity to actual live performances - high fidelity.

Within these parameters (which I believe is where much audiophile discussion takes place), there can obviously be the best of any component, with the issue being one of "best at what"? A distinct issue is finding people that will agree on the criteria and this moves into the question of "taste". However, again, the issue of taste can be resolved if parameters are estabilished by those wishing to exchange and/or expolore their judgements. Again, the actual live performance is the inevitable and ultimate criteria for validating these judgements.

I think