I just wanted to confirm that MQA files from Tidal work and play perfectly with the upgraded DAC USB input of the Oppo 205.
I must admit I was surprised with the difference in sound quality I can hear between this and what I have had using a coaxial output of my Bluesound Node 2. With the USB input, Oppo opened up the sound, made it more dynamic and nuanced, with much more detail and air.
It is a must-do upgrade for all users streaming MQA files from Tidal.
Well done, Oppo!
I just wanted to confirm that MQA files from Tidal work and play perfectly with the upgraded DAC USB input of the Oppo 205.
I must admit I was surprised with the difference in sound quality I can hear between this and what I have had using a coaxial output of my Bluesound Node 2. With the USB input, Oppo opened up the sound, made it more dynamic and nuanced, with much more detail and air.
It is a must-do upgrade for all users streaming MQA files from Tidal.
Well done, Oppo!