Oppo UDP-205 MQA Confusion

I read that the 205 now supports MQA as long as it shows up as a "media file",
e.g. via a USB thumb drive or CD. This confuses me. How can an MQA file show up
as a "file"?  It's streamed. My intent is to use Tidal, via my iMAC to stream MQA
to the 205. (I don't own one yet). Will the 205 unfold Tidal Master files or not?

Sorry for my ignorance,

Showing 1 response by inscrutable

Saw a similar thread elsewhere with the news about Oppo yesterday (yeah, been living under a rock lately) ... and did successfully register at Oppo, though not sure if production/supply will last. Been happy with my 105; and was just thinking getting a 205 for longevity ... but with this news about MQA streaming capability will buy one if I get the opportunity.