Oppo UD 205

What's with all these dicks trying to sell their UDP's for outrageous money with the announcement of Oppo closing. You can order a brand new unit direct to be delivered this summer for $1299.00.

Greed kills!
The high prices are called supply and demand. Supply is capped, but there is still a big demand. I don’t think someone is a fool for paying more then the list price, If they have weighed other options and can afford it. The list price was considered a bargain. Many non-audiophiles would see paying $1299 foolish when you can buy a disc player at Best Buys for a couple of hundred dollars.

$3k does seem excessive to me. Prices will come down and used ones will be put up for sale over time. I was lucky to get one from Oppo’s final batch.
I wonder whether the Oppo “not for resale” statement is a voided warranty statement. 
Doesn’t the Oppo website state that warranty is to the original buyer and has to be from an authorized dealer (or directly from Oppo)?