Oppo to cease production -- Announced yesterday...

Sad day for those of us who loved Oppo for their high quality products that supported SACD, DVD-Audio, as well as Blu-ray and UHD Blu-ray formats.  Oppo has also been loved for its industry leading level of customer support.  Oh, well, at least my DV-980H, BDP-83, and UDP-203 are all still going strong!


Showing 1 response by phillyb

Highend is dying. Younger folks want portable and not sitting in one spot. They spend more on gaming. Audio that was our thing. You can see by marketing of high end gear, most market towards the 5% of income. There is a reason no much sales in the middle class who have other needs like raising kids, and education. Most audio shows I go to have a lot of gray hair folks. Not saying some younger folks won’t get into the hobby but never the amount of us boomers where cars and audio was the thing. Streaming tracks now is the thing and in the billions, a whole album no where near as much and vinyl is a spec in total sales.