Oppo sonica 9018 chip

I have a first gen Oppo sonica and was wondering if I’d notice a big difference by buying an external dac and using the a Sonica just as a streamer. Any thoughts on which dac to buy?f


I like a forward sound with lots of detsil and large soundstage. Current equipment is David Belles 22a pre with 150 ref2 amp. Falcon Q7s but need bigger speakers for the room. I stream all my music and the listening area is 11x13 but in a very lively room that is open concept to rear and left side. 

thanks for your guidance 


Showing 1 response by mlsstl

Lots of places (but not all) that sell DACs have good return policies. The best way to answer your question is to read some reviews of various DACs in your price range and pick one that seems to match your audio tastes. Then buy one from a dealer or online store that allows returns. A window of 2 weeks to 30 days is common.  That will give you the most definitive answer.