Oppo Nuforce BDP-93NE

Hi, Has anyone here listened to this new unit? It looks very interesting. Was just waiting to see if any reviewers or Audiogoners have tried it yet? I'm looking at it in place of my Oppo 83se[becuase of the claimed very musical redbook playback on this modded unit[93ne.] Thanks, lloyd

Showing 2 responses by yurisius

I've just purchased this oppo 93NE. I was unsure beetween 93ne and 95.
I've choosen the first one because of the prominent 2th harmonic.
Now it reached 100 hours burning.

I agree with Bluenose: the player is veeeery musical. you can raise the volume high and it will sound without distorsions. Very listenable with zero fatigue.

But sincerely I ca't understand how people can compare it to 5000$ cd player..
I have a Jolida jd100S,a chinese tube cd player. it costs 1000$.
It outperforms the oppo93ne by light years..

I have to say that this jolida player is really something strange to me. I compared it to the m2Tech Young dac ( a 1000$ dac), and the Young was destroyed by the chinese player in every aspect..

So I think that I'd have to consider to compare the Oppo versus a normal player, in terms of quality/price, something more human. These jolida things are out of any omparison.

I'm happy with the oppo. it has very very low floor noise, it's warm , it's enough fast in the attack, and it's rythmic.
it creates a very solid sound, perfect with 2 channells sound movies (I have only 2 speaker), and it's enough good for long listening music too.

It lacks a bit of air beetween instrument, and it should have a bigger 3d scene. Often I desider to raise up the volume to feel more music around me, because of the sound a bit enclosed of the player. Luckily, as I said before, you raise the volume and the sound remains liquid e smooth.

Maybe the NXE upgrade give more opened sound.. maybe it's worth the price.
It's nice to have a player like this, that you can upgrade in many ways..

no mention about picture quality.. fantastic, of course.
I've found the audio of my oppo 93ne very good for movies. And perfect for a kind of movie. The sound of the 93ne is very intimate, warm, perfect for human voices. So if you favourite movies are comedies or dramas, so oppo 93ne will be perfect. But if you like more bombastic movies like james cameron's or tony scott's you'll go better with oppo93nxe or oppo 95, with their prominance in high frequencies and bigger soundstage.