Oppo Nuforce BDP-93NE

Hi, Has anyone here listened to this new unit? It looks very interesting. Was just waiting to see if any reviewers or Audiogoners have tried it yet? I'm looking at it in place of my Oppo 83se[becuase of the claimed very musical redbook playback on this modded unit[93ne.] Thanks, lloyd

Showing 2 responses by mrtennis

hi bluenose:

if you had to choose between a modwright modded oppo 83 se with a tube output stage (67n7) tubes, plus tube rectification, which gave a more tube like presentation, more body and warmth, would you still stay with your bdp 93 NE ?

by the way, how much does the oppo cost and how much additional is the mod.

nuforce tends toward the transparent in many of their products so the choice between oopo + tubes vs opp 93 with no tubes is interesting.
ithe decision to purchase an oppo 95 and have it modified vs tmodwright modded 83se may boil down to the sound of tubes, to some extent vs the sound of solid state. while this may be an oversimplification, it haaaaaaaaas been suggested that nuforce's mod does not produce the sound of tubes, while dan's mod does.

i guess it is a matter of taste.