Oppo Gone - Now What?

Blue Ray players may be "a dime a dozen"...but not so with high quality music players.  Assuming that all of the Oppo 205 inventory is gone in the next 3-4 weeks, what would you buy for under $2000 to play those music discs that you still own?

A Cambridge Audio CXHD(same MediaTek platform) for multi purpose or a quality dedicated CD player id music only.  I had a CA 751BD before my Oppo 105 and it was a great sounding player.  I only switched because of a great used deal on C-list and to take advantage of the 105's Dac feature.


No doubt, Oppo 205 is one hell of a player and great value. I placed my order for 205 yesterday.  
I dont think anyone has offered a device like Oppo that has the ability for HDMI input (for my AppleTV), LAN network streaming, paid streaming services: ie Tidal, at a price under $2,000.  The only other manuf. out there that I have been looking at that fills these needs for me is the Krell Universal DAC.  

Hey, if anyone has any suggestions let me know.  Been alwost thinking about going overkill and getting the Mcintosh MX-122.
What price level and player does everything the Oppo does at the same quality or better?
My Modwright 205 was just delivered today so I am a happy camper.
I don't see anything else that offers anything close to the value the 205 gives. Panasonic has a new upscale player with analogue outs/better DAC /advanced audio processing coming out in the Fall, but it doesn't look anything near the build quality of the 205. =(
