Oppo for HT & stereo without a processor?

Given not only my antipathy toward AV processors in general, but also my meager shelf space, I'm thinking of dispensing with an AV processor entirely and running the unbalanced outputs of my Oppo BDP-105 directly to the power amps.

In favor of this idea are the facts that the Oppo's audio processing is at least marginally up to date, the option reduces the shelf space, cost, and wiring required.  Additionally, and in general for audio, simpler is better.  I don't need any more than 5.1 in my room, and the Oppo should suffice without much ado.

Against this idea is the fact that the Oppo, while capable of driving the power amps directly, may not be the ideal tool for this job.  For one thing, the Oppo's digital volume control has the theoretical potential to truncate bit length.  For another, the buffer amps in the Oppo's outputs aren't (or at least don't seem to me) to be as robust as those in dedicated preamps and processors.

I hope to ameliorate the latter by using a tube buffer (probably the ubiquitous Yaqin SD-CD3) between the Oppo & the power amps, at least on the stereo R/L front channels.

Are there any logical reasons to accept, reject, or modify this course of action?

Thanks - Boomzilla


Showing 1 response by audioman2015

For 2 channel it may be best to have a direct connection but for 5.1 surround sound movie applications, you want impact, a good and exaggerated surround field, clear vocals on the center channel, chest shaking bass, and most importantly, a calibrated system that an AV processor can provide.