Oppo DV-980H USB input questions
Reading the manual, it appears that you can use the front USB connection as a source for the unit. It says it will accept DivX/Xvid, digital audio and digital picture files.
Has anyone ever used this fuction for SACD or high bitrate audio files? If so, what's the best format/extension for the digital files to read it? I'd love it if I could store some high bit rate files on the USB, and then have the Oppo decode. Just curious what type of file it will be looking for.
Has anyone ever used this fuction for SACD or high bitrate audio files? If so, what's the best format/extension for the digital files to read it? I'd love it if I could store some high bit rate files on the USB, and then have the Oppo decode. Just curious what type of file it will be looking for.
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