Oppo Ceasing production

Just visited Oppo's web site.  They are ceasing production of all their products and will only do warranty work and firmware support for their products.  They no longer have the resources to manufacture new products.  Didn't see this one coming.
I still get Blu-ray discs from Netflix.  They are still so much better than any streaming source. Love the 105 in my main system and the 103 in my office.  They are fast and never miss a beat.  As someone said before, there is more to this story than we know and it surely involves finances.  Their disc players were worth what they charged but (for me) not much more.

Is Tesla next?
I am sorry to see Oppo end. In regard to high end and its approaching demise, I simply can’t believe it and won’t accept it. We as a community need to take every chance to educate and help the younger generation listen to what they’re missing. I try to play my system to anyone who will listen, and once they hear, they are hooked, ( and my system is not great ) I inform them how inexpensive it is to put together a great 2 channel “therapy” area, possibly start with a gently used Oppo player. Rage, rage against the dying of the light - Dylan Thomas
Keep in mind that the Oppo cellphone brand, and Oppo Digital, are two separate entries under the same BBK Electronics corporate umbrella. OnePlus and Vivo are two other entities they own. So in a direct sense, Oppo Digital ≠ Oppo.

Kind of sad I can’t upgrade my 105 to the 205 right now, but it is what it is. I’ll be moving up the digital food chain in a year or so when I’m ready to upgrade...and unfortunately have to pay a lot more for a different brand!
Overrated and over priced.... I own a BDP 93 and an 83 and the Marantz CD player and Pono player still kicks their ass (w/r/t audio quality) !!!
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