Oppo BDP83SE vs Oppo BDP95

How does the Oppo BDP83SE compare with the Oppo BDP95?

Showing 4 responses by jdub39

Hi Jfz, are you using balanced outs or rca?
Something else worth trying, is to set the Oppos trims to there default of "0" with the volume at 100 and use the gain in your preamp from there!
30 hrs! You did yourself a disservice by forming an opinion on out of the box performance! I as well as many others have found the recessed sound to go away with no less than 50-75 hrs of playback and full burn in around 500 hrs and up. You might just be the first I've heard to choose a 83se over the 95, as it has taken on units well beyond its class, stand alone or universal. 50jess you owe it to yourself to research this topic well, a good place to start is over at avsforums and many more, plus the main stream reviews as well.

Dopogue, I speak only to the merits of the 95, as I never owned an Oppo product prior to it. Not sure why it took the 95 so long to settle but this is what it took in my setup.I only posted to give some insight on what I found over the course 500 hrs and especially the out the box recessed sound which I experienced as well and was about to send it back!That my friend would have been the biggest opportunity missed by me in 25yrs of this hobby! if you get a chance to hear a settled one post back what you find!

No chance!on the 83se and sorry Jfz the 95 is not doing it for you! although I find it a bit curious as my 95 replaced a stock Denon 5900 which had what I like to call That big full Denon sound" I found the 95 did not to give up anything in terms of image weight, in fact it bested the denon in terms of low end extension and definition! As for stridency I'm at a lost? If I may ask what Powercord and Ic's do you use? And how do you have your 95 setup?