Oppo 981 redbook sound

I have read various posts about other dimensions of this player,but wondered how two channel redbook is,especially compared to $500-700 cd players?
I bought a 981HD and tried it for myself. Awesome transport, and a great 2 channel performer as well. I cant see speanding more personally. In all the fairness, the PS3 was pretty much on par with its video playback with standard DVD's upconverted. I also personally didnt like the volume control on the Oppo without a way to disable it. I also didnt like the sound settings. These need to be disabled so you dont accidently turn one off. They sound aweful and unusable anyway, why even include this?
Use it into a prepro for as good as it gets. Sterophile said the 971 (old unit) as a transport with a good DAC equaled to the Ayre cx-5 universal player that beat the cx-7e in 2 channel performance in there review!

This only confirms what Ive been saying for a while. Buy a killer prepro and a oppo for transport. Its as good as anything as a transport, and you get good video also, and sacd and dvd audio sound. Also REGION FREE!
i own a nad cdp and this oppo. in my system the nad outperforms it with rb. better bass and overall quality. but the dual lasers and universal capabilities of oppo make it a great backup as cdp cannot read all formats at full potential and certain types at all! new one just came out for $150 for audio mainly use. i use tubes fwiw. newer cd formats are less noticebly inferior on oppo.