Elizabeth, in your case definitly save the $$$ and get the 83. Like I said it is avery high quality unit. As for the Audio Advisor selling the units, if the price is the same I would buy direct from Oppo. If you have any warranty issues which I did when I got my 83 SE they ask you if you bought from them or a third party, I am not sure what the difference would be but it may be that you would have to deal with Audio Advisor who would then deal with Oppo, I do not know that for a fact you would have to contact Oppo and ask them. I will say that Oppos' customer service is top notch my 83 SE had a problem when I received it, I contacted Oppo and discussed the problem directly with one of their engineers and his suggestions did not correct the problem and a new unit was sent out immediately with return shipping charges covered by Oppo.