Oppo 105D digital volume question

Want to try running the Ayre Codex DAC, balanced, directly into the PS Audio S300 amp. The Ayre has no remote, so I would like to use the Oppo digital volume control. It doesn't seem to change the volume when hooked to the Ayre. Am I missing some menu setting to make this possible?





Showing 1 response by designsfx

My understanding is that the Oppo volume control is only active when using the “analog” outputs. The digital (coax/Toslink) would not work to control this.

I thought the Ayre has the ability to act as a preamp- if this is true you should be able to attenuate volume from the Ayre directly to control the S300.

I would still go into the Oppo’s internal setup menu and select speaker size, any DSD/PCM priority and set the volume output to 100% anyway. Go coax into Ayre from the Oppo.