Oppo-105 vs Oppo-93 + W4S DAC2 for stereo.


I am confused between the following choices. This requirement is for best sounding 2 channel stereo.

1. Oppo-93 + Wyred4Sound DAC2
2. Oppo-105 (with same DAC chip as W4S DAC2 + digital inputs)

I already have an Oppo-93. Would it be better for me to sell Oppo-93 and get a brand new Oppo-105 or keep the Oppo-93 and add a Wyred4Sound DAC2 to it. Any body anticipate any change in the transport between Oppo-105 and Oppo-93. I know that Oppo-93 and Oppo-95 uses the same transport.

You might want to wait until the 105 is released and there are actual listening impressions.

But if you can't wait that long, someone recently posted a preference here for a W4S DAC1's analog output over the analog output of a Modwright Oppo (83, 93, or 95; don't recall which). Search function should lead you to the relevant post/thread.
Do you happen to know the likely date of the release of the new Oppo. So many good things have been said of the earlier and current Oppos I think I might buy one. I don't have a dealer that I know carries Oppo. I live in CT but travel down to NJ 2 times a month right near Philly were I used to work. Any help is appreciated.
I emailed oppo and they said oppo 105 is expected by end of this year. Oppo 103 specs are already available in oppo website.