Oppo 105 or PS Audio PWD Mk2

I am in the market for a new CD player and wondered if anyone has been able to compare the Oppo 105 and the PS Audio PWD MkII.

I want to hear detail but want it musical. I had an Esoteric SA60 for an in home audition and sent it back because I did not think that it was especially musical in my system.

I would sacrifice detail for PRAT.
Are you citing the PWDII as a reference to determine which disc player to purchase? I assume you already know that the PWDII is a DAC.

Again, you may know this, but the PWDII with the Bridge, eliminates the need altogether for a disc player. Playing files through my PWDII/Bridge outperforms my previous Wadi transport. I assume this is because all disc transports induce some form of jitter. Eliminate the disc transport and you effectively eliminate that source of jitter.
I cannot speak to the Oppo 105, but the Oppo 95 set up with analog ICs for sound is wonderfully musical in my system. No electronic harshness. Smooth.