Oppo 105 favoring one channel

Hi everyone! My Oppo 105 seems to be favoring the right channel slightly over the left. Now, before you ask any questions, here’s the system and the troubleshooting I’ve done:


Sources: Oppo 105 (digital); Hagerman Trumpet MC phono stage

DAC: Schiit Gungnir

Amp: Schiit Ragnarok 2/Yamaha 801

Speakers: Reference 3A MM Gen 2

Cables: Acoustic Zen and Belden ICs/ Nordost White Lightning speaker


  1. Swapped speaker cables - no difference (i.e., right side still favored)
  2. Swapped speakers - no difference
  3. Swapped inputs on the amp - no difference
  4. Swapped amps - no difference
  5. Run IC’s straight from the Oppo to amp, bypassing the external DAC - no difference
  6. Tried both balanced and unbalanced outputs from the Oppo - no difference
  7. Listened to both CD and Tidal playback - no difference
  8. Yet when I play from my phono stage, the sound is even and instrument placing is where it should be, even when using the IC’s I had used with the Oppo
  9. One thing i haven’t done yet is try a different digital source - mainly because I don’t have one.

Is this a thing? I would chalk it up to speakers or, more likely my room acoustics except for the perfectly balanced soundstage generated by the analog components. Thoughts?



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