Opinons on Musical Fidelity A3 cr Preamp

Very interesting preamp so far (I've had it 3 days). Doesn't sound like a solid-state preamp at all. Very musical, very natural, relaxed sound. Harmonically complex, especially in comparison to my MFA Magus tube preamp - which has a sweet, forward midrange, but not that much on either the top or the bottom). A little less bright than the Magus as well, and I'm find myself having to raise the volume a little higher with the MF to hear vocalists than with the Magus -- probably because the tube units pronounced midrange emphasis. After 8 years with the Magus, it's taking a little getting used to. The MF is far superior with classical recordings. I am leaning towards keeping it (I have the usual 30 day return privledge with Audio Advisor), but I'd be interested other owners/previous auditioner's opinions. If it goes back, I'd probably be looking for a pre-owned Joule Electra LM-100 III (at probably $600 more than the MF) or Rogue Audio 99 -- pieces (from what I've read) are worth a serious audition. So I'd be interested in any comparisons to those units.

Showing 2 responses by sedond

i haven't tried either the s/f *or* the m/f, but, i recently went from solid-state to tubes. i was using the latest iteration of the linn kairn, which was wery nice - accurate, detailed, dynamic, extended, good soundstage width & height - but it lacked depth. i hoped tubes would give this to me, but i dint wanna lose what the linn was good at.

1st, i tried a rogue *magnum* version of the 99, & it definitely did the depth thing! but, i lost a lot at the frequency extremes, especially the dynamics, range & texture in the bass. i tried nos tubes, which helped, but i couldn't live w/it. also seemed a bit coloured thruout the range, but i prolly wooda kept it if it got the bass right. in fairness, there may have been an impedence mismatch - rogue sez the output impedence is 100 ohms, but, after crosing the outputs w/resistors, my guess is 2400 ohms is closer.

next, i tried a cary slp98l. this was better in all aspects - not as coloured, and as extended in the bass as my linn. everything i wanted in a preamp! and, the wersion i tried dint have any of the upgrade caps cary offers. mite be even betteer w/them.

but, just days after buying the cary, i came across a melos music director (latest version of their ma333). i just *had* to try it, remembering how much i liked the sha-gold, the model below, a few years before. well, nice as the cary is, the melos is in another league altogether. sounds like *music*! :>)

i was able to try all this stuff, cuz i bought either used or demo - the only way to do it, unless yure loaded, or yer local dealer will lend ya everything ya wanna try.

the cary, a nice preamp, is definitely in your budget, if bought used, but the melos, (or something else in its price-range, used), isn't much more, & will take you to another level, imho.

regards, doug

horizon, for that remote problem, ewe can buy an infra-red remote range extender from rat-shack for ~$50. mcm electronics had a similar panasonic wersion on-sale for ~$26 bucks..