Opinions on Walker High Definition Links

I think I have become a tweaker. I tried the Walker SST silver cream and was favorably impressed. I am now thinking about the Walker HDL's and would appreciate any observations you might have on this product. Current setup includes Audio Physic Virgo II speakers, Rogue M150 amps, Camelot Uther IV DAC/Preamp, Theta Basic II transport and Tara Labs air 1 interconnects and speaker cable. I have been researching component upgrades but have not found anything exciting that doesn't require a hugh capital outlay therefore I am looking at tweaks to optimize my current system.

Showing 2 responses by rgs92

Yeah these tweaks are expensive, but you probably will only buy one for life...
In short: major improvement for my Kharma 3.2s. (About as significant a change as a major cable upgrade). Removes just about all brittleness; much more natural vocals (no more buzziness). Tighter, clearer, bass, too (although not any deeper or more pronounced).
Overall, for lack of a better term, deWilsonizes the sound.