Opinions on Sony TA-F808ES integrated amp from 90s

Hi, anyone ever hear this intergrated amp.
It came out in the early to mid 90s.
It was like 1500 dollars back then.
I have a chance to get it.
I'm using Canton Fonum 701 speakers.
I heard one driving my own speakers, which are rather difficult (2 Ohm, 86 dB/W) and it made a nice pairing. Combined with bulletproof build quality I liked the Sony, but still decided to take the pre/power road.
I replaced my beloved Roksan Kandy III with a TA-F707ES because it just blew the supposedly more powerful Roksan away in every category. The 707 is pretty much identical excepting for the material used on the top panel and the speaker terminals. Very well built and smooth quiet operation. My only quibble is they run very hot. The price you pay for the first 15 watts in class A.
One of Sony's better efforts, but still has that Sony house sound. If you're looking for warm and lush, then keep looking.