opinions on Rega RS1 speakers

Is anyone using these bookshelf speakers??

What do you think about them? how are they working out?

I would like to hear peoples thoughts on these, I heard a pair briefly at an Audio store in Seattle, They sounded pretty good, seemed to have nice detail and musical.

Anyone using them?

Please share your thoughts.

Showing 2 responses by loomisjohnson

mcgarick, as glene opined your first impressions are spot-on--the regas are a really, accurate, well-balanced speaker. i suspect they're overlooked because of their low price, unassuming looks and light weight. their key attribute is they're impervious to placement--they sound really good at or near a wall or corner. soundstage is surprisingly wide, too.
depending on your room size, placement, etc., you might not need a sub (your call, of course)--i'd guesstimate they go down to the mid 50s or so, which isn't earthshaking, but what low end is there is very tight and musical. when i auditioned 'em (with a 50w ss naim amp), they sounded just fine as is and i didn't feel like i was missing the bottom end. in contrast, my polk lsi7s (a similarly priced, similarly performing competitor) definitely need the added punch from a sub. in any case, enjoy.