Opinions on newest NHT Absolute Zero

I'm considering buying the newest in the "Zero" line from NHT, the Classic Absolute Zero. I know the Super Zero got tremendous reviews from every source I could find and it looks like the more recent Absolute Zero should be even better, but I can't really find many good reviews.

If anyone owns or has had a chance to listen to the Absolute Zero speaker from NHT, I would love to know what you think.

In my setup, they will be placed on a bookshelf in a 16'x20' room that is fairly live. Since the Absolute Zero is an enclosed design with bookshelf placement considered in the design, and with NHT usually making a warmer speaker, it seems like a good fit if the sound quality is up to par.

Any help is appreciated!

Showing 5 responses by rar1

I have a friend using this same speaker with a Teac mini receiver and Teac mini CD/DVD player (500 series) in a similar sized room. She has the speakers on a glass shelf inside of an open back bookcase about 5 feet high and about 3 feet from the back wall. Signal Cable interconnects and speaker cables. The sound is impressive, no low bass, but a real sweet mid-range. If you want a bit of the lower bass, consider the NHT Classic 2.

Regards, Rich
The NHT's are one of the few speakers that I have experienced that do well with inside bookcase placement. I used a pair of NHT SB2's in this way for a number of years. With a backless bookcase, the NHT's should do even better. In my friend's set-up mentioned previously, her bookcase is more of an glass and wood, open rack affair. Her room has only window/venetian blinds and light rugs, so the room is pretty minimalist/live. I was very much taken with how good the system sounded. The music played was Talking Heads, Morrissey, and Sinatra.

Besides acoustic suspension design speakers, you can also consider front ported designs. For the money though ($260 a pair at J&R Music with free shipping), this speaker is very hard to beat.

FWIW, other speakers that I have tried with bookshelf placement and how they fared: B&W 302 (dreadful), EPOS ESL3 (boxy/ nothing special), Wharefedale Diamond 8"s and 9's (good/ much better on stands), Omega Super 3 (if you are not using tubes, don't bother. If you are, then very good), NHT SB2 (very good), Rega Ara (very good).

Regards, Rich
The Absolute Zero has existed under varying names for at least a dozen years. Each generation of the speaker has seen evolutionary type improvements. It is not that the Absolute Zero is worlds different than its predecessor, the SB-1. It is probably though, the best sounding incarnation of this speaker.

Regards, Rich
Hey Dust ...

Your ears are the best judge. You do have a local dealer ...


Regards, Rich
These speakers will probably not come up for review, unless they are part of a review for a complete NHT home theatre speaker package and then the Zeroes would most likely be the surround speakers. Are you still resisting the suggestion to go hear them in person?

FWIW: Most folks on Audiogon are not fussing with $200 speakers. Not a value judgment, just an observation. I would try over at the Audio Asylum to see if anyone is chatting these speakers up .

Regards, Rich