Opinions on Mark Levinson 23.5 Amp

I'm considering a used Levinson 23.5 amp. Does anyone have experience with this amp and/or any old reviews I might be able to get a copy of?

Showing 1 response by dbeker

Hello: I owned a 23.5 for about a year and sold it almost a year ago. I also owned and sold their newer 332, but prefer the 23.5. In my context it was a pleasing amplifier, in fact the best solid state that I've heard. But all Levinson products lack the high end response which Audio Research tube amps have. This gives the sound vitality and much more localization of instruments. But if you are willing to do without that the 23.5 is a superb solid state amp. It is also very well and conservatively constructed and should be very reliable. Just don't listen to a good tube amplifier and you will be happy. (By the way, I auditioned all the Levinson amplifiers with a number of their preamps to be sure I wasn't short changing their amps. David N.