Opinions on deHavilland Mercury 2

I've been looking for a tube preamp and this one is on my short list. Is there anyone out there who listened to it and can describe the sound ? TIA.

Showing 2 responses by audiogabby

Thanks guys. I have a Mercury 2 coming my way. It's a brand new unit so it's going to take a few days before posting my impresions.
Hi Artg,
Sorry for the delay, I having been around this site for awhile. I auditioned the Mercury 2 for a couple of weeks and sent it back due to a mismatch with my power amp.

The Mercury left a big impression on me. The soundstage is huge and the midrange incredibly extended. Their lower frequencies are not as good as the highs or midrange though.

After that i tried the Eastern Electric MM for 30 days and kept it. The EE is a very nice unit that really sings at that price range.