Opinions On Ampzilla Trinaural Processor?


I am asking for opinions on this odd piece of equipment. In effect it seems to take a traditional 2 channel source and turn what goes out into 3 channels worth of "3 channel stereo". Some old-schoolers have mentioned that when stereo was first invented, 3 channel stereo was said by some to have been superior. This device seems to try to go back and sort-of right that "wrong". The inventor also seems to be alleging that it would be superior to, or competetive with, a 3 channel or multi-channel solution offered by today's more-advanced processing.

It's hard to know which forum to place this question in, but that's sort of the point. I was going to place it in tech talk, but the electronics-related answers wouldn't be as meaningful to me. What I want to know is whether this might be a good way for me to explore and find more natural sound, going from 2-channel, as opposed, say, to going to HT sound whole-hog. I think we've all read a lot of posts from folks who had a good 2 channel setup that they were sort of satisfied with, and then they tried the multichannel thing and on balance it bugged them, so then they went back to 2 channel. I'm sort of wondering if this ampzilla device would be an interesting experiment to add a 3rd channel without "ruining" anything the way some purists seem to think happens when they try multi-channel.

One of the reviewers did mention, I think, that the sound takes getting used-to, and that someone else walking into the room would, upon initial hearing, possibly take the sound as not as meaningful as he (the reviewer) thought it was.

Last note: One other person tried to start a thread on this topic last year in amps/preamps. I tried posting in response to that topic and the moderator(s) in their infinite wisdom, somehow decided to nix my post. Why on Earth?

That is why I am trying to start a new thread... because I'm interested to hear if anyone has developed an opinion of this ampzilla 3-channel stereo (trereo?) sound.
I've had this piece in my system for about 3 days now. A dealer gave it to me for the week just to play around with. I currently have VMPS 626Rs with a LRC across the front.

I've known about Trinaural for about a year now, but never really thought about using it. I'm in law school at the moment, and I've had the system I plan on buying next year when I graduate planned out for awhile now. The Trinaural has completely changed my plans.

Intially, I've found it simply amazing with solo vocals. The center channel gives off the impression of a strong center image without seeming too "beamy." The sides really then help bring out the background music. I've noticed tons of musical qualities on many CDs that simply seemed lost before. There is a new "depth" to cuts from the likes of Norah Jones and Eleanor McEvoy. It honestly didn't take me any getting use to for simply vocals.

Large orchestra pieces have taken some getting use to, though. Sounds, initially, didn't have the same smooth flow across the front array that I had hoped for or that I had experienced with vocals. I feel the center channel feels hot most of the time, but I haven't had the chance to get "adjusted" to the sound much yet. I've found imaging to be AMAZING with the Trinaural. Instruments no longer seem lost in a sea of sound. I still experience a "gap" between the speakers with orchestra cuts, but I'm assuming this will fade over time. Who knows though...

That's my quick two minute review before I head out the door. I'll write more when I get the chance.

Throw any question at me you wish...
I'm glad to get such a detailed response so quickly. I also have known about this thing for some months, but when I went to look for extended discussion of it here on Audiogon, there didn't seem to be any.

The basic question I'll have for you going forward is how you think this compares to conventional high-end multi-channel setups.... and how it works for you in terms of transitioning from 2 channel listening. Appreciate your honesty (listening pros, cons, and also half-impressions). Will look forward to whatever you have to add.
I just spent several hours this afternoon going through numerous, varied CDs, so I feel I have a much better grasp of what the TRI has to offer. Also, I've had the house to myself, so I was allowed to turn the volume to a great listening level for orchestra demos.

Compared to multi channel formats -

I've yet to find a multi channel disk that I feel does a good job at recreating a live performance - isn't that what it's all about? Yes, some multi channel setups/disks sound "cool," but ultimately they seem to fall far short of recreating the feeling of a live experience. This is where the TRI really seems to shine.

It brings me closer to a live experience. There is currently a depth/realism to my setup that I didn't think was possible. Female vocals and jazz sets have really been unbelievable thus far. I find myself simply being "drawn into" the music itself. The soundstage is huge, but once again it's the depth of the music that is really blowing me away.

Orchestra pieces -

Turning up the volume to my normal listening level has greatly helped "fill in" the soundstage. The TRI has basically given me the orchestra in my room. Yes, my small speakers fall short of giving me the "impact" of the orchestra, but it is the imaging/detail which is really stellar with the TRI. I can actually distinguish between the sections of instruments in the orchestra on well recorded disks.

Going from 2 channel -

I really don't see how I'm going to go back to my two channel set up. Crap! It's going to be at least a year until I piece together my new system, so I'll just have to make due until then. I honestly didn't think I would like it this much, so the fact that I wouldn't be able to purchase it for a year really didn't concern me.

There has been a lot of talk about "getting use" to the sound of the TRI. Again, for female vocals and jazz I didn't need any time to fall in love with the sound. When this thing won at CES last year the judges didn't have time to "get use" to the sound, did they?

Cons -

Honestly, on many disks I have found the TRI to be pure magic. This "effect" hasn't been universal, though. The TRI is really dependent upon the recording engineer on your CD. A couple of CDs have simple turned out strange. This has been rare.

I feel I need to give a quick plug for the dealer who was so kind to let me have a week with the TRI. Julian Turner over at Sedona Sky Sound: www.sedonaskysound.com

Hope this helps...