Opinions On Ampzilla Trinaural Processor?


I am asking for opinions on this odd piece of equipment. In effect it seems to take a traditional 2 channel source and turn what goes out into 3 channels worth of "3 channel stereo". Some old-schoolers have mentioned that when stereo was first invented, 3 channel stereo was said by some to have been superior. This device seems to try to go back and sort-of right that "wrong". The inventor also seems to be alleging that it would be superior to, or competetive with, a 3 channel or multi-channel solution offered by today's more-advanced processing.

It's hard to know which forum to place this question in, but that's sort of the point. I was going to place it in tech talk, but the electronics-related answers wouldn't be as meaningful to me. What I want to know is whether this might be a good way for me to explore and find more natural sound, going from 2-channel, as opposed, say, to going to HT sound whole-hog. I think we've all read a lot of posts from folks who had a good 2 channel setup that they were sort of satisfied with, and then they tried the multichannel thing and on balance it bugged them, so then they went back to 2 channel. I'm sort of wondering if this ampzilla device would be an interesting experiment to add a 3rd channel without "ruining" anything the way some purists seem to think happens when they try multi-channel.

One of the reviewers did mention, I think, that the sound takes getting used-to, and that someone else walking into the room would, upon initial hearing, possibly take the sound as not as meaningful as he (the reviewer) thought it was.

Last note: One other person tried to start a thread on this topic last year in amps/preamps. I tried posting in response to that topic and the moderator(s) in their infinite wisdom, somehow decided to nix my post. Why on Earth?

That is why I am trying to start a new thread... because I'm interested to hear if anyone has developed an opinion of this ampzilla 3-channel stereo (trereo?) sound.

Showing 6 responses by joshl


It doesn't look like the Trinaural processes a signal in quite the digitized way that some other approaches do.

Here is a quote from the information page:

"...Most importantly, the Trinaural Processor is a linear analog device with no digital processing whatsoever. There is also a bypass switch which allows you to connect your home theater processor as a pass-through thereby enabling you to use your very highly regarded analog preamp for music reproduction without having to go through the digital processor. You can have your cake and eat it too...."

If I start with a stereo signal that comes from Vinyl, my own view is that I prefer this somewhat, sometimes, (warts and all) to the stereo signal I get from a CD.

So, this all adds up to my being curious to hear a first-hand report or two on this thing at work with vinyl, even though vinyl and 3-channel stereo are both passe' for many including some audiophiles.

I don't think my interest is in buying... I don't have anything close to $1500 for entire-optional wierdo pieces of equipment, particularly now that I am on the cusp of SACD-DVD-A-software and all the associated hardware.

I can maybe sacrifice sound quality and use the Matrix Button on my preamp (which I now recognize a little better from your educational comments). This is when I get some other things in place like an amp for my centers and surrounds.

But those trying this device can give us their first-hand impressions, if-when they find time.
I'm glad to get such a detailed response so quickly. I also have known about this thing for some months, but when I went to look for extended discussion of it here on Audiogon, there didn't seem to be any.

The basic question I'll have for you going forward is how you think this compares to conventional high-end multi-channel setups.... and how it works for you in terms of transitioning from 2 channel listening. Appreciate your honesty (listening pros, cons, and also half-impressions). Will look forward to whatever you have to add.

Thanks for the further response. I like getting some historical perspective on this.

Thanks for the further report. It seems to me there has been a scarcity of reports on the TRI on the net, so it's good to read some first-hand impressions.

I'm pretty confused as to what I will buy when I, like you, make my transition to multi channel, or try to. As the other respondent noted, 3-channel apparently isn't new, even if the TRI presents us with a claim to be a particularly competent implementation of it.

I tend to think that, eventually, some sort of multichannel format should be in my future, as the best of the approaches are perfected and made affordable and hassle-free to me. At the moment though, my library is of 2-channel sound, I'm not about to "Buy the White Album Again" for the umpteenth time in a new format, ... not until I can sort of take stock of things.
It occurs to me to ask/add:

I wonder how this device does with a phonograph's analog 2-channel signal? Jason focused on discussing the CD-signal from his system, so we know that side of things a bit. But the phono sound I wonder about.
Thanks for the response. I must admit, it mirrors some of my situation and thus may influence some of my decision-making. I have a decent affordable TT on the way that I just bought on audiogon, since mine's a bit worn out, and I *definitely* prefer the sound of vinyl up until now.

But I happen to have a third speaker I want to play, and two surround-speakers, and my music-purchasing is likely to be not only of used vinyl but also of downloads and multi-channel disks.

I spend much more on software than hardware (I refuse to get audiophilia nervosa and get obsessed with hardware). I want to get a chance to remain open to the future and see what there is to offer there. If the future is four or more channels, than I'm going to see what that sounds like.

For my analog listening, though, I'm going to keep an eye on that as a separate issue. I just find myself enjoying it more up until now, and that's the test of things for me. I guess I'm sort of like a photographer who preferred film to digital up until digital got very very good, and still wants to preserve some ability to do film for his art.

So for my analog listening I may maintain some separate ability to hook up some modestly-priced separate equipment pieces (i.e. a separate preamp going to my amp to my front two speakers), to play back the recordings in a straighforward less-lossy manner.