Opinions of Lexicon RT-20 for Audio Only

Hello - I currently have a number of separates in my system that I'd like to consolidate. Currently, I use a Denon 3910 (stock) for MultiChannel SACD/DVD-A and a Music Hall Maverick (stock) for RBCD and 2-Channel SACD. I've got my eyes on a Lexicon RT-20 and the reviews that I read sound great, but they are few and far between. So, I'm reaching out to my fellow audiogoners for opinions on whether I'd be taking a step forward or backward if making this move. I realize everyone's ears are different, but I don't have the luxury of being able to trial the RT-20 before buying so I am forced to bank on popular opinion as my leading criteria. Also, I'm worried strictly about Audio performance, not video.

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.


Showing 3 responses by autosports

Ben, can I jump on this train? How would the RT-20 compare to the Marantz DV9600? Thanks.
Thanks. I wonder how it would compare to the DV9600, which does have some inprovements on the 8500.

Oops, meant the 9500.

I saw that the 9600 is based on an excellent Pioneer Elite transport. I don't think the 9500 was. Wonder how it would stack up to the RT20 on that basis.