Opinions of Burmester Rondo integrated?

Anyone have any experience with the Burmester Rondo integrated amp?

At just over $4k retail I wonder how it compares to other high end integrated such as Gryphon, Jeff Rowland, YBA etc.

I am curious about it too. I have the Rondo on my "need to buy and try" list.
They don't seem to have a big following in the US. I was looking for a small integrated with headphone out and thought this may fit the bill. I will let you know if I get a chance to try one.
Never heard the Burmester, but have owned two Gryphon Integrateds (Tabu Century and AT), please keep us updated if you get to buy it.

One of my good friend bought it after a long comparison with other integrated amp, some of them more expensive. Very nice integrated amp. Great sound and excellent build quality at that price.

Very best regards,