Opinions Needed: Active or passive pre

My system consists of Sony sacd777,Bel Canto Dac1, Placette remote volume control, Sim Audio Moon W-3 amp, Magnaplaner 1.6, Rel Strata 2 Sub.I am considering replacing the Placette with a CJ Premiere 14 to get some of that tube midrange magic. Good idea? Bad idea? Any and all opinions would be appreciated.

Showing 1 response by kacz

I don't think a passive will work with your bel canto. The voltage output is way to low. I might be wrong but I think I checked into it before and it's like 2 volts. I found that anything less than 4 or 5 volts is not enough to power an amp through a passive preamp and get the magic of a passive. So in your case an active one should be much better.