Opinions Needed: Active or passive pre

My system consists of Sony sacd777,Bel Canto Dac1, Placette remote volume control, Sim Audio Moon W-3 amp, Magnaplaner 1.6, Rel Strata 2 Sub.I am considering replacing the Placette with a CJ Premiere 14 to get some of that tube midrange magic. Good idea? Bad idea? Any and all opinions would be appreciated.

Showing 3 responses by john_l

A passive preamp does have it's negative aspects too. There is more detail, but you loose a certain 'fullness' to the sound when you completely depend on your source. Some sources are not up to the task of driving a passive preamp. For example my CD player sounds pretty good driving my preamp in passive mode, but my tuner and VCR sound terrible. My adcom 750 preamp has both active and passive modes. Given an either/or, I would choose a very good active preamp over a passive and live with the slight loss of detail.
I experience the EXACT same thing related to volume control. Also the interconnects are a factor. When I use my red dawn interconnects, the passive preamp has a little more juice than when I use my much lower end esoterica audio interconnect. Also, I recently bought an audio research ph-3 phono preamp. This has a tubed output stage. When I use it to drive my AR tube amplifier, I much prefer the passive mode. There is an unworldly clarity that comes in. I believe this is due to the all-tube amplification stage. I wonder what my cd would sound like with a tube cd player ?
The adcom 750 has two sets of outputs. Also has a passthru to run your home theater or tv variable outs into it.