Opinion sought on rogue manufacturer...Help

I had sent a pair of interconnect to a reputed manufacturer (not wanting to mention names at the moment) in US to have them serviced as there were some signal problems at the connectors - suspected a cold joint.
Weeks followed and the manufacturer had not done any repair work upon my inquiring of the status.
His explanation was that the factory was busy and was not able to deploy any technician to do such a small job (Yes, I am not kidding)!
When I pressed on and told him that the explanation was preposterous, he replied that I could have my cable back at my disposal (taken as my own cost).
Without much of a choice, I waited for another month and wrote to him about my cable (guys and here is where the last straw has broken the camel's back), only to be finally told that the factory was unable to do the job. His appeasement was to offer me a brand new cable for $500! What an audacity to even consider making another sale from me!
I am hapless as to what kind of recourse I would have in a situation like this.
Since I am an overseas buyer/hobbyists, I believe I am at a loosing end as any form of provocation would only render a silence response - I do want my cable back! arrggghhh
Is there a consumer association or internet watch group that I can at least bring this matter to their attention?
Please advice.

Showing 1 response by bigcop

Dear Steve, it's sometimes best just to forget the whole thing.
I found out the hard way it's not always perspicacious to complain about a manufacturer in public.
They'll attack you and try and white wash the whole matter to make it look like you're the liar.