Opinion on Audio Physics Virgos In small room

I have a very small room dedicated for my music listening. It's 11'x 12'x 8'. So I do mean small. I have Mirage M7si speakers now, with Audio Research electronics. I've just gone from A.R. solidstate to tubes. The equipment now exceeds the speakers capablity. The Mirages have a huge soundstage with good imaging. Now I'm looking for excellent imaging, depth and dimension, and better detail. Reading the reviews, it seems the Virgos are difficult to set up. Would they work in a room this size?
I would see if I could bring home a set of Sparks first.You'd be amazed at how good they are.A dealer once told me that unless you played them loud frequently the Tempos were not as pleasing as Sparks which deliver the goods at all volume levels.You might get a small fast sub like an REL Strata with the $$ you saved and be happier with smaller point source.If you are buying new from dealer or can find a pair at a reasonable price to buy and flip if it doesen't work out I'd try the baby's first ina room that size.And whatever you do go glass.I idsagree with previous caller in I find CJ's lesser gear to soft.Rogue,VTL,Cary all make good sounding and value priced Integrateds and entry level amps.A rogue with 60wpc would be power to burn in those confines.Forget the SET crap though even if like me you find a 37 wpc $5K Bel Canto.Push Pull Meat and Potatoes amp for me.
I own the Virgo IIs. I agree they're a great speaker, but need to be set up effectively, so the question would be whether you have a lot of other furniture in the room that makes set up difficult. You need to have them at least 1/4 way into the room from the rear wall and the side wall to be effective. If you can do that, then you're all set. Ideally, you could place them half way into the room from the rear wall (center of the room) and one quarter from each side wall, but it's not practical for most rooms unless you have a dedicated room. Both above placement options are discussed at the Inmedia site (US distributor). Cheers,
Thanks for the responses. I'll get some loaners and compare. And, yes the room is dedicated. There's a chair, two speakers and a rug. The equipment is inset in the closet.