Opera Consonance Linear 2.2 or Raysonic 128?

I am hoping that you could help resolve my dilemna. I am looking for a good tube CDP in the price of these two CDPs. I have finally narrowed it down to these two. Has anyone of you heard both these CDPs - a side by side comparision of sorts? I am not in the position to audition either players

thanks in advance

Showing 1 response by midnitemick

I had a demo Consonance linear 2.2 in house and thought that it was great on good sounding cd's. However, with the majority of cd's I did not like it at all. It didn't really have any smoothing qualities to it, so if the cd is edgy you will get hit in the face with that edge because of the dynamics. On most recording I preferred the MKII. It sounds more holographic and tube like than the linear. I demoed it strictly out of curiosity as I was a MKII owner and wanted to know how they compared after I heard the cd120 linear. I actually prefer the cd120 linear to the ref 2.2.

Not the comparison that you are looking for but I thought I would share my thoughts on one of the players in question nonetheless.
