Opera Consonance Linear 2.2 or Raysonic 128?

I am hoping that you could help resolve my dilemna. I am looking for a good tube CDP in the price of these two CDPs. I have finally narrowed it down to these two. Has anyone of you heard both these CDPs - a side by side comparision of sorts? I am not in the position to audition either players

thanks in advance

Showing 1 response by garryh


I own both units and more or less concur with Mrjstark's observations. Linear 2.2 will yield a very natural relaxed analogue type of sound. As Mike noted, you'll not be spared re: the quality of the recording on the CD. The Raysonic provides a nicely detailed and slighty less warm sound. Soundstage-wise, taking into account the effect room in as much as possible, the Raysonic is a bit more up front vis a vis the Consonance, think 2nd row vs, say, 8th row. Buildwise, both are exceptional for the $$.

Good luck.
