Yes he does, for amps with low input impedance (<20khoms) that aren’t passive friendly, you need a unity gain buffer (no gain as he infers) and those amps thankfully are very not common place, and are around 5% of the market share. some Class-D and some First Watt, Pass Labs
Any amp that is 33kohm or "industry standard input of >47kohm" or higher is fine for any passive pre without the need for a unity gain buffer.
As for active preamps with gain they are not needed in this world any more, and are a left over from phono days when a preamp needed gain.
Even Pass Labs now has lowered the gain of many of their amps from the common 28-34db, down to the low 20’s, just so his and other high gain preamps can be used with most of the volume range they have, instead of being at 9 o’clock for loud!!
Since all digital sources make way too much voltage to clip any amp made
Not just digital even analogue sources, tuners, phono stages etc etc. Have more than enough voltage to clip just about any poweramp.
Cheers George