Online for a variety of acoustic room treatments?

Anywhere online for good pricing and selection for the following:

#1- Looking at diffusion, I see RPG diffusors but are really pricey considering you get like 2ft squares, and 2 of them cost over 200 bucks.

#2- Some type of sono panels, basic absorbtion devices for first point reflection areas etc. . need to look finished, color choices, fabric covered whatever, not just raw foam ripples or spikes if possible.

#3- Corner wedges, foam? something cheap just to cut off the 90 degree angles, is there something Paintable out there?

Thanks, and no not much interest on much DIY stuff, finished product is more desirable at this point, unless as mentioned it is paintable then thats fine.

Showing 1 response by sgr

I second the Auralex products. If you send them a plan for your room, their engineers will develop a plan for achieving the best sound with their produts. My room turned out excellent.