Onkyo/Pioneer/Sony connection problem

Equipment: Onkyo SR805 A/V Receiver
Pioneer DV-58AV Universal Player
Sony S550 Blu-Ray Player

Pioneer and Sony players are connected to the receiver via
HDMI cables and the receiver to the TV also via HDMI cable - all version 1.3.

The problem is that in order to listen to cds from either player, I must have the TV on; otherwise, there is no audio.

As a last resort, I can overcome the problem with the Pioneer by using the multichannel analog outs to Onkyo's multichannel inputs. This of course means extra ICs which I would very much like to avoid.

Onkyo has been of little help - except to tell me that the problem is not with the receiver. However, since it's the same problem with the two players, I believe its the
receiver not handling the HDMI connections/signals properly.

Would appreciate knowing if there are others who might have encountered and/or solved a similiar problem.

Thanks for all responses.

Showing 1 response by upgrade1394

Try the following:
Turn off the HDMI "communication" feature of the TV. The issue with HDMI is that all connected HDMI devices need to be "vetted" before any signal transfer takes place. Maybe you can fool the Receiver into not seeing the TV, or maybe your TV should be on standby with an active "communication" with the Onkyo receiver. Try both ways and see if anything works..