Onkyo/Pioneer/Sony connection problem

Equipment: Onkyo SR805 A/V Receiver
Pioneer DV-58AV Universal Player
Sony S550 Blu-Ray Player

Pioneer and Sony players are connected to the receiver via
HDMI cables and the receiver to the TV also via HDMI cable - all version 1.3.

The problem is that in order to listen to cds from either player, I must have the TV on; otherwise, there is no audio.

As a last resort, I can overcome the problem with the Pioneer by using the multichannel analog outs to Onkyo's multichannel inputs. This of course means extra ICs which I would very much like to avoid.

Onkyo has been of little help - except to tell me that the problem is not with the receiver. However, since it's the same problem with the two players, I believe its the
receiver not handling the HDMI connections/signals properly.

Would appreciate knowing if there are others who might have encountered and/or solved a similiar problem.

Thanks for all responses.

Showing 1 response by cmercer49

I have the Onkyo 705 along with the Sony S350 BD,I had the same problem,but for my set up there is a 5-8 sec delay and then it comes thru after I shut the tv off,give it a try