Onix SP3: What speakers are you using?

Hello again.
My love affair/obsession with this little amp continues.
My tube compliment and the HiFi Tuning fuses are burning in nicely. I am really, really enjoying this amp, this hobby and the three pairs of speakers I own. That's the problem: I have three sets of speakers I absolutely love.
I'd like to hear from other SP3 owners what speakers they are using, why they like them, and why they pair well with this amp.
I look forward to hearing from you all. I always learn a lot from your responses.
Jt3...I was suprised also. I guess the impedance curve must be pretty steady. And also I am in a small room so I don't have to push them to play loud enough. At about 85 db sens., volume might be a problem in large room. By the way I also use the VA 350b as power tubes and I love them. Has anyone tried them?
Larryrx7...I also have the SP3 with VA350b for the power tubes and I really like the VA's as well. I'm powering a pair of Monitor Audio RS6 and must admit that I'm happy with the combination.