One or two JL subs?

I am looking at upgrading my HT system by adding new sub(s). I've decided to go with JL subs but am trying to decide which route to go. Two 112's vs a single 113. The room is 12.5 x 26 x 7.5h. I sit 12 feet from the subs. I know that JL prefers a two sub setup. But who wouldn't if you can sell two subs vs one? BTW i am not into extreme SPL's i listen to movies and music at sane levels. I would be most interested in what JL owners have to say. (Respectfully, i am not interested in in opinions about other brands of subs, i am pretty set on the JL's)

Showing 2 responses by ras422

If you are using 2ch for music use 2subs in stereo --I have 2 f113 in stereo for 2ch and they are just wonderful they are xover at 50hz--if you need to xover above 80hz then I would use the f112--I also have 1 f113 for a smaller room HT system--music scores from movies are outstanding--if I had only one room to share HT and 2ch and could xover at 80hz and below I would use the f113 and definately get 2 subs --they are the first subs I have heard that has excellent bass timbre and are very natural sounding--good luck --just know you won't be sorry either way you go--
stick with the 2 subs and don't look back--sub EQ is still not the same and the jl's are very easy to set up--have fun